NC Christmas Tape 74 - Intro

Saturday Dec 6th. 1974
1 of 20 (0:18)

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In September-74,
I was showing Paul and Al Where Art's family used to live, and took this Picture
and It was then that we first got the idea to make a tape to send down in time for Christmas.
I went back in December and stood in the exact same spot to get a winter version of the same picture
to be included in the package along with all the other pictures.
The Famous Winston House - Art's(57-61) Ray's(61-68)

September - 74

December - 74
And On December 6th. 1974,
The Michigan Alexanders got together at the Jennifer house in Redford to record
A Christmas wish to brother Art and his family down in Raleigh, North Carolina.
The Intro to the Original Tape also included a typical Weather Report to further dramatize
how cold it was up here and how warm and beautiful it was down there.  Click Here
The Famous Jennifer House - Dad & Steven's(57-80)

Front - The Temperature on this day was 20 Degrees.

Back Yard - With My Old Dog Bambi (64-79)
It was typical that we would have to go out and run the car before going anywhere,
because it was too cold and the windows would be iced over.

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